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2023-01-10     来源:数学与信息科学学院   作者:佚名   查看:1964  
序号 第一作者名 论文题目 发表期刊 期号 卷号 期刊周期 页码范围 发表时间
1 曾德强 Event-triggered sampling control for exponential synchronization of chaotic Lur’e systems with time-varying communication delays Nonlinear Dynamics 2 91 半月刊 905-921 2018/1/1
2 曾德强 Improved results on sampled-data synchronization of Markovian coupled neural networks with mode delays Neurocomputing 275 周刊 2845–2854 2018/1/1
3 陈超 基于多混沌策略狼群算法和二维最大熵的图像分割算法 计算机工程 44 1 233-236 2018/1/1
4 张莉 An Improved Adaptive Level Set Method International Journal of Pattern Recognition 5 一年8 1854013(19 pages) 2018/1/8
5 陈超 基于狼群算法与二维最大熵的图像分割_陈超 计算机工程 1 44 月刊 233-237 2018/1/15
6 刘熠 A Multiple Attribute Decision Making Approach Based on New Similarity International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 1 11 双月刊 15–32 2018/2/1
7 马常友 浅谈如何加强高校开放实验室的管理 电脑知识与技术 04 14 旬刊 140-141 2018/2/5
8 彭家寅 剩余格上的落影模糊滤子 山东大学学报理学版 2 53 月刊 52-64 2018/2/12
9 牟娟 改进的B-S期权定价模型 纳税 04 04 12 135 2018/2/16
10 刘好斌 蚁群优化算法的改进及其在旅行商问题中的应用 甘肃科技 2 34 半月 58-60 2018/2/20
11 龚小兵 幂函数的闭形式迭代根 内江师范学院学报 2 33 月刊 42-45 2018/2/21
12 陈超 普通二类应用型本科院校中离散数学课程的教学模式改革研究 求知导刊 1 1 1 11-112 2018/3/3
13 马常友 基于创新人才培养的高校数学开放实验室建设实践与探索 现代计算机 07 旬刊 83-85 2018/3/5
14 彭家寅 效应代数的不分明化滤子 数学的实践与认识 6 48 半月 196-203 2018/3/15
15 秦亚 A Novel Method for Interval-Value Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision-Making Problems with Immediate Probabilities Based on OWA Distance Operators MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 1 2018 季刊 1359610 2018/4/1
16 秦亚 Maximal filter and its topology in lattice implication algebras JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS   1 35 月刊  673-681 2018/4/1
17 刘熠 Multiple Criteria Decision Making With Probabilities in Interval-valued Pythagorean Fuzzy Setting International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 2 20 双月刊 558–571 2018/4/1
18 彭家寅 BCK-代数的广义(,)-模糊蕴涵理想 计算机科学与探索 4 12 月刊 662-670 2018/4/6
19 彭家寅 HESITANT FUZZY SOFT PREFILTERS AND FILTERS OVER EQ-ALGEBRAS World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering and Information Science  0 0 0 24-32 2018/4/12
20 彭家寅 基于L*-Luasiewicz蕴涵算子的直觉模糊推理全蕴涵方法 内江师范学院学报 4 33 月刊 42-47 2018/4/25
21 钟寻 东道国外债规模与中国OFDI——基于发展中国家面板数据的研究 重庆工商大学学报.社会科学版 03 35 双月刊 37-42 2018/4/26
22 曾德强 Improved results on synchronisation of delayed complex dynamical networks via sampled-data control International Journal of Systems Science 6 49 月刊 1242–1255 2018/5/1
23 曾德强 Novel discontinuous control for exponential synchronization of memristive recurrent neural networks with heterogeneous time-varying delays Journal of the Franklin Institute 5 355 月刊 2826-2848 2018/5/1
24 曾德强 Sampled-data synchronisation for memristive neural networks with multiple time-varying delays via extended convex combination method IET Control Theory & Applications 7 12 月刊 922-932 2018/5/1
25 曾德强 具有双输入时滞的网络控制系统稳定性的改进结果 四川大学学报(自然科学版) 3 55 双月刊 462-468 2018/5/1
26 何圆 A higher-order convolution for Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind Applied Mathematics and Computation 0 324 0 51-58 2018/5/15
27 何圆 Some recurrence formulas for the Hermite polynomials and their squares Open Mathematics 0 16 0 553-560 2018/5/15
28 钟寻 引力模型实证经济距离对中国对外直接投资一带一路沿线国家的影响 宜宾学院学报 12 18 月刊 97-102 2018/5/16
29 彭家寅 BRo代数的犹豫模糊滤子与理想 计算机工程与应用 11 54 半月刊 62-66 2018/6/1
30 洪智勇 Hesitant fuzzy dual Muirhead mean operators and its application to multiple attribute decision making Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2 35 月刊 2161-2172 2018/6/1
31 何桃顺 Explicit Pricing Formulas for European Option with Asset Exposed to Double Defaults Risk Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society  2018 2018 Quarterly 1-8 2018/6/15
32 彭家寅 剩余型直觉模糊推理的反响三I方法 模式识别与人工智能 6 31 月刊 525-536 2018/6/15
33 刘好斌 地方院校数学建模竞赛培训体系的构建与实践 文山学院学报 3 31 双月刊 96-98+106 2018/6/20
34 彭家寅 区间值模糊推理的CRI方法 内江师范学院学报 6 33 46-50 2018/6/25
35 彭家寅 FI-代数的犹豫模糊滤子理论 模糊系统与数学 3 32 双月刊 1-15 2018/6/28
36 曾德强 时滞神经网络随机抽样控制的状态估计 应用数学与力学 7 39 月刊 821-832 2018/7/1
37 刘熠 HESITANT FUZZY MUIRHEAD MEAN OPERATORS AND ITS APPLICATION TO MULTIPLE ATTRIBUTE DECISION MAKING International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 4 14 双月刊 1223–1238 2018/8/1
38 张瑞梅 New approach on designing stochastic sampled-data controller for exponential synchronization of chaotic Lur'e systems Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 1 29 月刊 303-321 2018/8/1
39 曾德强 Pinning stochastic sampled-data control for exponential synchronization of directed complex dynamical networks with sampled-data communications Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 337 半月刊 102-118 2018/8/1
40 许雷 A Novel Hybrid Ensemble Classification Approach to Candidate Well Selection for CBM Well Fracturing IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 159(1):012007 1 39-46 2018/8/16
41 刘好斌 基于反向策略和柯西分布的粒子群优化算法 许昌学院学报 8 37 月刊 1-3 2018/8/20
42 彭家寅 正则直觉格 内江师范学院学报 8 33 月刊 42-48 2018/8/25
43 许雷 A New Approach of Parameters Identification from Fluid Flowing Back after Hydraulic Fracturing IEEA '18 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications 1 5-9 2018/9/15
44 彭家寅 非局域Bell-态测量的实现 计算机工程与应用 18 54 半月 22-25 2018/9/15
45 莫亚龙 关于Frobenius-Euler多项式的高阶卷积公式 纯粹数学与应用数学 3 34 4 287-293 2018/9/15
46 覃燕梅 A FULL DISCRETE STA BILIZED M ETH OD FOR TH E OPTIM AL CONTROL OF THE UNSTEADY NAVIER—STOKES EQUATIONS Journal of Computational Mathematics 5 36 双月刊 718-738 2018/10/22
47 王俊 金融发展对我国一带一路投资的影响 内江师范学院学报 10 33 月刊 106-111 2018/10/25
48 彭家寅 剩余直觉格与正则剩余直觉格 内江师范学院学报 10 33 月刊 23-27 2018/10/25
49 牟廉明 自适应特征选择加权k子凸包分类 山东大学学报.工学版 5 48 双月刊 32-37 2018/10/31
50 刘好斌 Feigenbaum-Kadanoff-Shenker方程带双参数的推广 四川师范大学学报.自然科学版 6 41 双月刊 781-784 2018/11/11
51 彭家寅 基于多参数测量的双向受控隐形传态 计算机工程与应用 22 54 半月 23-27 2018/11/15
52 何圆 Higher-order convolutions for Apostol-Bernoulli, Apostol-Euler and Apostol-Genocchi polynomials Mathematics 12 6 12 文献号329 2018/12/15
53 彭家寅 BCI-代数中的犹豫模糊交换滤子与犹豫模糊闭滤子 内江师范学院学报 12 33 月刊 48-54 2018/12/25
54 彭家寅 以真五粒子非最大纠缠态为信道的双向受控隐形传态 山东大学学报.理学版 12 53 月刊 105-113 2018/12/26
55 刘熠  A Novel Method Based on Extended Uncertain 2-tuple Linguistic Muirhead Mean Operators to MAGDM under Uncertain 2-Tuple Linguistic Environment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS 2 12 月刊 498-512 2019/2/1
56 吴国成 Fractional impulsive differential equations:  Exact solutions, integral equations and short memory case Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 1 22 月刊 180-192 2019/2/1
57 马常友 A Novel Computational Technique for Impulsive Fractional Differential Equations    symmetry   2  11 月刊 1-8 2019/2/13
58 Dan-Dan Su Some identities for the two variable Fubini polynomials Mathematics 2 7 12 文献号115 2019/2/15
59 彭家寅 高维单粒子受控隐形传态 内江师范学院学报 2 34 月刊 43-47 2019/2/25
60 Dan-Dan Su Recurrence formulas for Eulerian polynomials of type B and type D Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 3 26 12 469-483 2019/3/15
61 刘洋 两种初中数学变式方式的教学探究 教育观察 6 8 旬刊 1-144 2019/3/15
62 刘洋 基于学习层级理论的初中数学三导三思教学形态探索 课程教育研究 4 2 旬刊 1-300 2019/4/15
63 钟寻 东道国因素对我国一带一路沿线国家直接投资的影响 吉林工商学院学报 02 35 双月刊 95-99 2019/4/25
64 彭家寅 高维受控联合远程态制备 内江师范学院学报 4 34 34-40 2019/4/25
65 黄蓝蓝 Numerical solutions of interval-valued fractional nonlinear differential equations European Physical Journal Plus 5 134 月刊 220 2019/4/30
66 石勇国 A Note on the Conjugacy from Farey Map to the Skew Tent Map BULLETIN OF THE MALAYSIAN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 2 42 月刊 23-31 2019/5/4
67 李甫 一种指纹特征点拓扑结构的加密方法 四川大学学报.自然科学版 3 56 双月刊 437-440 2019/5/5
68 彭家寅 BCI-代数的扰动模糊q-理想 计算机科学与探索 5 13 892-900 2019/5/15
69 彭家寅 基于完备剩余格值逻辑的下推自动机与上下文无关文法 山东大学学报.理学版 5 54 112-1260.5 2019/5/15
70 张瑞梅 A new method for quantized sampled-data synchronization of delayed chaotic Lur'e systems Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 70 月刊 471-489 2019/6/1
71 刘熠 Dynamic intuitionistic fuzzy multiattribute decision making based on evidential reasoning and MDIFWG operator JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS   6 36 月刊  5973-5987 2019/6/1
72 刘敏 地方高校师范生就业能力提升研究——以数学与应用数学专业为例 产业与科技论坛 11 201918 半月刊 281-282 2019/6/1
73 刘好斌 金融建模实践课程的教学改革与实践 集宁师范学院学报 6 41 月刊 115-118 2019/6/6
74 刘洋 渗透初中数学学习的三个层次 科教导刊 16 6 旬刊 1-192 2019/6/6
75 龚小兵 新建本科院校学生学习《数学分析》课程困难的成因及解决措施 白城师范学院学报 6 33 月刊 52-55 2019/6/10
76 彭家寅 多参数测量的分层量子态分享 计算机工程与科学 12 55 半月 59-66 2019/6/15
77 彭家寅 区间值直觉模糊推理的全蕴涵方法 模糊系统与数学 3 33 双月 35-45 2019/6/15
78 彭家寅 Cyclic Controlled Remote Implementation of Partially Unknown Quantum Operations International Journal of Theoretical Physics 9 58 3065–3072 2019/6/18
79 彭家寅 任意二粒子态的受控双向远程制备 内江师范学院学报 6 34 29-35 2019/6/25
80 彭家寅 BL-代数的犹豫模糊滤子 计算机工程与应用 13 55 半月 42-50 2019/7/1
81 彭家寅 Annular Controlled Teleportation International Journal of Theoretical Physics 10 58 3271-3281 2019/7/15
82 彭家寅 分层远程量子态制备 计算机科学与探索 7 13 1251-1260 2019/7/15
83 吴国成 New variable-order fractional chaotic systems for fast image encryption Chaos 8 29 月刊 083103 2019/7/31
84 吴国成 Mittag-Leffler stability analysis of fractional discrete-time neural networks via fixed point technique Nonlinear Analysis-Modelling and Control 6 24 6 919-936 2019/8/1
85 许雷 面向应用型创新人才培养的实践教学改革 ———以内江师范学院为例 甘肃科技 15 35 半月刊 69-71 2019/8/8
86 陈超 高斯混合模型结合加权似然的目标跟踪算法 计算机工程与应用 12 55 半月 124-128 2019/8/15
87 陈超 混合Boost算法实现的行人检测技术 计算机应用与软件 6 55 184-189 2019/8/15
88 陈超 三级领导式的快速自适应狼群优化算法 计算机工程与应用 6 36 半月 59-68 2019/8/15
89 彭家寅 基于高维纠缠信道的受控隐形传态 内江师范学院学报 8 34 39-43 2019/8/25
90 何圆 Some results for sums of products of Chebyshev and Legendre  polynomials Advances in Difference Equations 1 2019 1 文献号357 2019/8/27
91 古传运  Positive solutions of fractional differential equations with the Riesz space derivative Applied Mathematics Letters 9 95 12 59-64 2019/8/31
92 刘芳 一种基于Linux集群和MPI编程环境的并行计算方法 甘肃科技 17 35 半月刊 26-28 2019/9/5
93 曾德强 Stochastic reliable synchronization for coupled Markovian reaction-diffusion neural networks with actuator failures and generalized switching policies Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 357 半月刊 88-106 2019/9/14
94 何圆 Several expressions of Dirichlet L-function at positive integers Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series 9 35 12 1549-1562 2019/9/15
95 彭家寅 Multicharacters remote rotation sharing with five-particle cluster state Quantum Information Processing 6 18 339+21 2019/9/16
96 彭家寅 以十量子纠缠态为信道的循环受控量子隐形传态 山东大学学报.理学版 9 54 98-104 2019/9/16
97 彭家寅 三维单粒子态的双向受控隐形传态 计算机科学与探索 9 13 1613-1620 2019/9/18
98 刘芳 大数据时代数据库课程教学改革研究 甘肃科技 18 35 半月刊 81-82 2019/9/20
99 彭家寅 多跳远程量子态制备 计算机工程与应用 19 55 半月 81-86 2019/10/1
100 张莉 固定界面Level_Set方法在爆轰波阵面传播中的应用 兵工学报 10 40 月刊 2080-2087 2019/10/1
101 刘熠 Multiattribute Group Decision-Making Approach With Linguistic Pythagorean Fuzzy Information IEEE Access 7 7 月刊 143412-143430 2019/10/13
102 彭家寅 基于完备剩余格值逻辑的伪BCI-代数的不分明化理想 模糊系统与数学 5 33 双月刊 10-29 2019/10/14
103 陈超 基于改进蚁群算法的三维路径规划 计算机工程与应用 20 55 半月 165-172 2019/10/15
104 陈超 基于改进蚁群算法的医学图像边界提取  计算机应用与软件 10 36 123-129 2019/10/15
105 彭家寅 六量子团簇信道的非对称双向受控远程态制备 内江师范学院学报 10 34 月刊 25-30 2019/10/25
106 彭家寅 多方分层远程态制备 计算机科学与探索 11 13 月刊 1958-1964 2019/11/9
107 彭家寅 四量子纠缠态的可选远程态制备 量子光学学报 6 36 双月刊 719-726 2019/11/10
108 Dumitru Baleanu  Some further results of the Laplace transform for variable-order fractional difference equations Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 6 22 月刊 1641-1654 2019/12/1
109 Thabet Abdeljawad Discrete tempered fractional calculus for new chaotic systems with short memory and image encryption Optik 218 218 12 163698 2019/12/1
110 石勇国 Multi-modal-extended solutions of the Feigenbaum equation Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 480 月刊 221-237 2019/12/1
111 余志恒 多项式型迭代方程的多项式解 数学物理学报 6 39A 双月 1352-1364 2019/12/9
112 石勇国 The Generalized Pomeron Functional Equation  DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY  4 2019 季刊 1-4 2019/12/14
113 彭家寅 毕达哥拉斯加权几何heronian算子的多属性决策方法 内江师范学院学报 12 34 13-20 2019/12/15
114 何桃顺 FDMs for the PDEs of option pricing under DEV models with counterparty risk Numerical Mathematics-Theory Methods and Applications 4 12 Quarterly 1246-1265 2019/12/20
115 龚小兵 新建地方本科高校学报初审内容与编辑培养 内江师范学院学报 12 34 月刊 110-113 2019/12/25
116 许雷 Some Improved q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Aggregation Operators and Their Applications to Multiattribute Group Decision-Making MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2036728 2019 Bimonthly 1-18 2019/12/26
117 刘敏 家谱的价值研究——以四川资州《王氏族谱》为例 文物鉴定与鉴赏 172 2020.01(上) 半月刊 26-27 2019/12/31
118 彭家寅 任意二粒子态的混合双向受控量子通信 量子光学学报 1 37 双月刊 50-56 2020/1/16
119 刘熠 Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic Muirhead mean operators and their applications to multiattribute decision‐making International Journal of intelligent systems 2 35 月刊 300-332 2020/2/1
120 何桃顺 Option Pricing for Path-Dependent Options with Assets Exposed to Multiple Defaults Risk Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Article ID 2418620 2020 月刊 1-13 2020/2/12
121 刘敏 家训文化融入当代家庭教育的探讨——以四川资州《王氏族谱》为例 轻纺工业与技术 2 49 月刊 24-25 2020/2/25
122 刘敬华 Conjugacy Problem of Strictly Monotone Maps with Only One Jump Discontinuity Results in Mathematics 3 75 双月刊 1-15 2020/3/1
123 马常友 New fractional signal smoothing equations with short memory and variable order Optik 218 2020 月刊 164507 2020/3/4
124 黄蓝蓝 Discrete fractional calculus for interval–valued systems Fuzzy Sets and Systems 12 12 12 12 2020/4/1
125 何圆 Explicit expressions of finite trigonometric sums Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 484 2 1-24 2020/4/1
126 刘好斌 Dombi Interval-Valued Hesitant Fuzzy Aggregation Operators for Information Security Risk Assessment Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3198645 2020 Bimonthly 1-15 2020/4/5
127 刘好斌 《金融建模实践》课程体系的改革与实践 课程教育研究 7 23 半月刊 238-239 2020/4/10
128 彭家寅 9-量子团簇态信道的非对称双向量子信息传输 计算机科学与探索 2 14 双月 353-360 2020/4/16
129 彭家寅 BL 代数中的犹豫模糊滤子 内江师范学院学报 4 35 双月刊 13-20 2020/4/25
130 黄蓝蓝 Variable-order fractional discrete-time recurrent neural networks Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 370 370 12 112633 2020/4/29
131 彭家寅 受控双向远程量子控制 计算机工程与应用 9 56 半月刊 117-124 2020/5/1
132 刘芳 Decision Support Methodology Based on Covering-Based Interval-Valued Pythagorean Fuzzy Rough Set Model and Its Application to Hospital Open-Source EHRs System Selection Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 2020 月刊 1-13 2020/5/11
133 何圆 HardyLittlewood的一个三角和 数学学报 3 63 6 271-280 2020/5/15
134 谢文倩 Strictly dissipative stabilization of multiple-memory Markov jump systems with general transition rates: A novel event-triggered control strategy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL 5 30 月刊 1956-1978 2020/5/25
135 秦亚 An Efficient Analytical Approach for the Solution of Certain Fractional-Order Dynamical Systems energies 11 13 月刊 14 2020/6/1
136 曾德强 Pinning Synchronization of Directed Coupled Reaction-Diffusion Neural Networks With Sampled-Data Communications IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 6 31 月刊 2092-2103 2020/6/1
137 彭家寅 以任意高维纠缠态为量子信道的受控隐形传态 计算机工程与应用 12 56 半月刊 93-97 2020/6/15
138 钟寻 人民币汇率对中国对外直接投资的影响——基于一带一路沿线国家的研究 内江师范学院学报 06 35 月刊 95-100 2020/6/25
139 吴国成 Short memory fractional differential equations for new memristor and neural network design Nonlinear Dynamics 4 100 月刊 3611-3623 2020/6/27
140 武菊 Archimedean Copula-Based Hesitant Fuzzy Information Aggregation Operators for Multiple Attribute Decision Making Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 2020 月刊 1-21 2020/7/3
141 刘好斌 On the Fractional View Analysis of Keller–Segel Equations with Sensitivity Functions Complexity 2371019 2020 Bimonthly 1-15 2020/7/8
142 刘熠 广义q-ROF TODIM方法 控制与决策 8 35 月刊 2021-2028 2020/8/1
143 刘好斌 带双参数的第二类FKS函数方程的单谷延拓解 西南师范大学学报.自然科学版 8 45 12 29-34 2020/8/19
144 刘芳 INCREMENTAL ATTRIBUTE REDUCTION ALGORITHM IN PROBABILISTIC ROUGH SETS UNDER THE VARIATION OF ATTRIBUTES International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 5 16 1527–1545 2020/9/1
145 彭家寅 n-粒子赤道态的受控远程制备 山东大学学报.理学版 7 55 双月 46-54 2020/9/1
146 彭家寅 受控循环远程态制备 计算机应用研究 9 37 月刊 2802-2805 2020/9/20
147 石勇国 Single-Valley-Extended Solutions with Platforms of FKS Equation Results in Mathematics 10 75 双月刊 1-10 2020/10/1
148 石勇国 计算定积分的方法——以一道经典定积分为例 内江师范学院学报 10 35 月刊 42-45 2020/10/1
149 宋西泠  对一道中考数学试题的变式探究 数理化学习 10 月刊 9-10 2020/10/15
150 龚小兵 地方师范院校复变函数课程教学内容设置 白城师范学院学报 5 34 双月刊 110-113 2020/10/20
151 彭家寅 剩余格上的几类n-重模糊滤子 模糊系统与数学 5 35 双月 17-30 2020/10/20
152 彭家寅 格蕴涵代数的( ∈∨ 模糊蕴涵理想 内江师范学院学报 10 35 双月 30-34 2020/10/25
153 许雷 Linguistic Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Copula Heronian Mean Operators for Multiattribute Group Decision-Making JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 2020 2020 1 1-25 2020/11/19
154 武菊 Hesitant Fuzzy Generalised Bonferroni Mean Operators Based on Archimedean Copula for Multiple-Attribute  Decision-Making Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 2020 月刊 1-16 2020/11/28
155 石勇国 Differentiable solutions of the Feigenbaum-Kadanoff-Shenker equation Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-B 12 25 双月刊 4575-4583 2020/12/1
156 彭家寅 任意二粒子纠缠态的受控量子通信 计算机应用研究 12 37 月刊 3731 2020/12/5
157 彭家寅 Remote preparation of general one-, two- and three-qbi states via x-type entangled states International Journal of Theoretical Physics * 59 3789-3803 2020/12/6
158 石勇国 商周太阳神鸟金饰中蕴含的数学文化 数学通报 12 59 月刊 54-56 2020/12/19
159 刘好斌 Multi-attribute Group Decision-making for Online Education Live Platform Selection Based on Linguistic Intuitionistic Cubic Fuzzy Aggregation Operators Computational and Applied Mathematics 2021 1 12 1-34 2021/1/6
160 陈勇 Image denoising via an adaptive weighted anisotropic diffusion Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 2 32 双月刊 651-669 2021/1/7
161 彭家寅 基于十粒子纠缠态的三方受控联合远程态制备 量子电子学报 1 38 66-74 2021/1/20
162 曾德强 Reliable stability and stabilizability for complex-valued memristive neural networks with actuator failures and aperiodic event-triggered sampled-data control Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 1 39 2 1-19 2021/2/1
163 赵可英 页岩吸附气壁面扩散机理及现场应用 科学技术与工程 4 21 旬刊 1362-1366 2021/2/10
164 彭家寅 Heyting 代数的犹豫模糊滤子 内江师范学院学报 2 36 双月刊 31-39 2021/2/25
165 刘好斌 Fractional-order investigation of Diffusion equations via analytical approach Frontiers in Physics- mathematical and Statistical Physics 2021 1 1 1-10 2021/2/26
166 付慧 Fractional calculus with exponential memory Chaos 3 31 Quarterly 031103 2021/3/3
167 彭家寅 以最大slice态为信道的受控量子远程控制 计算机科学与探索 3 15 月刊 577-582 2021/3/5
168 彭家寅 Cyclic Remote Implementation of Partially Unknown Quantum Operations 电子学报 2 30 季刊 378-383 2021/3/6
169 何桃顺 Post Crash模型下障碍期权定价的有限差分方法 内江师范学院学报 4 36 月刊 32-36 2021/4/11
170 姜曼 布尔代数的I-V犹豫模糊子代数 黑龙江大学自然科学学报 2 38 双月 157-163 2021/4/23
171 刘熠 Banzhaf-Choquet-copula-based aggregation operators for managing q-rung orthopair fuzzy information Soft computing 5 25 月刊 :6891–6914 2021/5/10
172 刘熠 Group decision support methodology based upon the multigranular generalized orthopair 2-tuple linguistic information model International Journal of Intelligent Systems 7 36 月刊 3367-3400 2021/5/10
173 彭家寅 通过五粒子信道的非对称双向量子信息传输 计算机工程与应用 10 57 88-93 2021/5/15
174 彭家寅  Cyclic Remote State Preparation International Journal of Theoretical Physics 4 60 1593-1602 2021/5/16
175 刘芳 Three-way decisions with decision-theoretic rough sets based on covering-based q-rung orthopair fuzzy rough set model JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS 5 40 月刊 9765-9785 2021/6/1
176 付慧 Tempered Fractional Calculus on Time Scale for Discrete--Time Systems Fractals 8 29 Quarterly 2140033 (9 pages) 2021/6/18
177 彭家寅 BL-代数的直觉模糊滤子度 纯粹数学与应用数学 2 37 季刊 227-242 2021/6/25
178 彭家寅 Bidirectional remote state preparation in noisy environment assisted by weak measurement Optics Communications 6 499 127286 2021/7/12
179 王红娟 Multiple Attribute Decision-Making Method Based upon Intuitionistic Fuzzy Partitioned Dual Maclaurin Symmetric Mean Operators INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS 1 14 半年 1-20 2021/8/4
180 彭家寅 Multiparty Quantum Rotation Operation Sharing International Journal of Theoretical Physics 10 60 3771-3782 2021/9/4
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182 赵可英 页岩混合气纳米孔多传输机理耦合数学模型 地下空间与工程学报 1 18 双月刊 57-6482 2022/2/1
183 赵可英 Optimization of Fuzzy Topological Symbiotic Structure Based on Fuzzy  Analytic Hierarchy Process International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems 1 30 双月刊 149-158 2022/3/1
184 Saleem Abdullah Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy Hamacher aggregation operators and their application in green supply selection problem AIMS Mathematics 3 7 月刊 4735-4766 2022/3/1
185 刘熠 Group decision making for internet public opinion emergency based upon linguistic intuitionistic fuzzy information International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 3 13 月刊 579 - 594 2022/3/15
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187 许雷 Scene text detection method research based on  maximally stable extremal regions Int. J. Computing Science and Mathematics 2 15 3 142:155 2022/6/17
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189 赵可英 基于灰色关联度分析法和主成分分析法对泥页岩储层评价方法的探讨 地质与勘探 网络首发 网络首发 双月刊 网络首发 2022/11/8
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191 武菊 Comprehensive evaluation of land reclamation schemes in mining areas based on linguistic intuitionistic fuzzy group decision-making ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 58 29 月刊 87380-87392 2022/12/1
192 陈超 .An Image Recognition Technology Based on Deformed and CBAM Convolution Resnet50. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science International Journal of Computer Science 月刊 1-8 2022/12/10
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